Environ Instrument Cleaning Solution


The cleaning solution from Environ has been specifically designed to thoroughly clean your roller without harming or effecting the instruments parts. This lengthens the life of your roller and increases it’s efficiency.

Used with Environ Gold Cosmetic Roll-CITBody Cosmetic Roll-CITCosmetic Roll CITCosmetic Focus-CIT

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Instrument Cleaning Solution
  1. Soak instrument in the cleaning solution once a week for 10-15 minutes.
  2. After soaking in the solution, rinse well with warm water before using the instrument.
  3. Otherwise, rinse the roller with warm water before and after use.
How to clean an environ derma roller?
Use once a week for best results, soak your home rolling instrument into the cleaning solution for 10-15 minutes, after this rinse well under warm water before using. Please note that the roller should not be left soaking in the cleaning solution overnight.